In today's world, "information" is the key. With IT enabled world, we collect large amount of data from various sources but how effectively we can use such large amount of data is always a challenge. Different domains such as Financial, Sales, Security, Retail, Energy, etc. initiate and collect large amount of data from various source for their day-to-day IT operations and management. For e.g. in our day-to-day operation of using e-services, we perform various activities and transactions and one such example is e-banking. Do we ever realize when we do an online transaction how much data is collected to ensure safety of the transaction? Now, when each and every online activity is monitored, extracting meaning out of billions of activities is a big challenge in IT enabled domains. When billions of transactions are happening per day, how do we find out which one of those is a suspicious activity. With the world becoming more and more IT enabled, IT security becomes extreme...