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Working with ExtJS and Java

If you are new to extjs then for you ExtJS is a cross-browser Javascript framework for building RIA (Rich Internet Application) based web application. It allows to use any server based technologies for building your application.

In my application, I am using ExtJS 3.0 as client side technology, Java (JSP+Hibernate) as server side technology and MySQL 5.x as database.

Here I will tell you how to setup the above tools and technologies.

ExtJS Setup
ExtJS IDE Setup

It is difficult to remember all ExtJS components and its functions, so we need an IDE for development. Although there are few IDEs available in the market but I prefer to use Spket IDE integrated with Eclipse for ExtJS based application development. The steps to download Spket and integrate with Eclipse are : -
  • Download Eclipse 3.4.2 Ganymede or Classic version from
  • Run Eclipse IDE
  • Download Spket plugin for Eclipse using Eclipse Update Manager, from Spket update site -
  • Select the menu item Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences.
  • Select the Spket > JavaScript Profile preference page to display the installed JavaScript Profiles.
  • Click the New.. button. In the Name field, type ExtJS (you can type anything) as the name for the new profile. Then click OK.
  • Click the Add Library button. From the Library drop-down list, select ExtJS. Then click OK.
  • Click the Add File button, choose ExtJS.jsb file from ExtJS Source folder (Refer ExtJS folder). In my case it is stored in D:/ExtJS/Source folder as extjs.jsb.
  • Choose the ExtJS profile created in step 3, click the Default button make it the default profile for all projects. The default profile can also be configured per project by using Configure Project Specific Settings... link.
  • Click on OK to save the preferences.

Verify it

To verify this, create a Java Project (New->Java Project) and add an empty javascript file. In the editor, type Ext. and then you should get all functions available in a dropdown. If it doesn't come up then try to open the file in Spket IDE (right click on the file and choose Open With-> Spket Editor).

Install Hibernate

To install Hibernate, please check my another article on this. (

Please post your comments here.


  1. Hi Shubha,

    This article helped me alot to set up ExtJS with Eclipse IDE.


  2. This article helped me alot to set up ExtJS with Eclipse IDE.

    Venkatesh teja.

  3. 1. Develop a simple web user interface using Ext JS 4.2 and JSP technology. This UI shall be hosted on Tomcat 7.
    2. The UI shall allow users to retrieve, insert, update and delete data from the database.
    3. The UI shall be integrated with java beans for all database related operations. You are not allows to connect directly from Tomcat to the database.
    4. The bean shall be hosted on JBoss AS 7.
    5. All data shall be hosted on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. All database operations shall be driven by stored procedures.


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