- Download the latest version of Hibernate from https://www.hibernate.org/ and extract the Zip contents to a local directory in either C: or other Drive.
- Download the Hibernate Synchronizer plugin for Eclipse from http://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernatesynch/ and copy the extracted files (plugin folder) to Eclipse installation folder.
- Download Hibertante Tools using Eclipse Update Software feature from http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates. The set of tools come as part of Web Tools. This can be verified by right clicking on the Hibernate Config file in your project abd viewing Hibernate Configuration 3.0 XML Editor option in the context menu.
- Restart the Eclipse IDE.
Wanted to share one error that I got while installing Microsoft Office Professional 2013 for which I had to spend almost 3 days to find the root cause. I also googled and found that many people have also faced the same issue but did not get if anyone had the solution. Sharing the solution that worked for me. Thanks to Dhaval Metrani, my colleague, who also helped me with this. If you get the following error in the log file (in the %temp% folder) while installing Office 2013 Failed to install product OSMMUI.msi ErrorCode: 1603 and the detail log shows ERROR: The network address is invalid then the same is because of Task Scheduler service is not enabled on the machine. 1603 is a generic error and some people have mentioned that the same could be related to deleting/renaming %programdata% /Microsoft Help but the solution seemed to be related to Task Scheduler when the exact error was related to 'Network address invalid'. By default in Windows 7 and Windows Vista ...
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